Sunday 1 March 2015

Small and different

There are a number of YouTube channels I follow. One of the very best in terms of video quality, editing and instruction is tightlines video. They have provided much inspiration and one pattern I have really wanted to tie was Matt's Gnat.

The Griffiths Gnat has been successful for me when I've needed something small, Matt's Gnat is a different take on the Griffiths; it is a little more difficult to tie but can be considered more durable. The use of snowshoe rabbit foot fur trapped in a dubbing loop, and wound along the hook together with the peacock herl, is clever and simple, but I found it took a few goes before it looked right. You do need a really sticky wax to make the fur more manageable and the job easier.

I tied these on the Partridge Midge supreme in sizes 20 to 24, these being the most useful sizes. I did tie one in a size 18 and to be honest it didn't really look right so I'll stick to the sizes mentioned.

Matt's Gnat
Hook: Partridge Midge Supreme sizes 20-24
Thread: UTC70 Red
Body: Peacock herl
Hackle: Snowshoe rabbit foot hair fibres
Matt's Gnat

For a much better demonstration of tying than I would provide, here is the YouTube video that provided the inspiration to give this pattern a go.

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