Sunday, 20 October 2013

CDC and biots with a small shower of tungsten beads and stripped quill

I have recently put my house on the market, time has been precious. As a result, and wanting to still be able to knock out a number of flies in readiness for next season, I opted to tie some simple, but no less effective CDC duns. I have used Nature's Spirit biots, the CDC is from Troutline. The flies tied with biots have a small amount of chopped grey squirrel just to cover up where the biots are tied off and to offer a little more suggestiveness in the pattern. I have tied the stripped quill versions without any dubbing; these for me will be used on ultra smooth flats. 

Blue-winged olive biot
Grey-olive biot
Callibaetis biot
Pale Morning Dun biot
Nature's Spirit bleached and dyed peacock quill blue-winged olive
Wire bead head nymph

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Micro Killer bugs to order.

Had a request to tie some Sawyer's killer bugs. Generally I tie them in 14's and 16's; I was asked if I could tie some 16's and 18's. Now I've got to say that those size 18 Killer bugs looked ace; small and inconspicuous yet substantially heavy. I have used the same thickness of wire (0.20mm) that I do for all the KB I tie but with a reduced number of yarn layers. I don't think it will make a difference not having the full three layers but I'll await feedback.

I'll save these July and August skinny water fishing, they should do the trick.

Size 16 nestled amongst 18's